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Learn Arabic Online With Fluent 6 Months + Zoom Arabic One to One

Apr 27, 2023

Are you looking for a comprehensive and personalized way to learn Arabic online? Look no further than Fluent in Six Months, the perfect solution for those seeking to take their language skills to the next level. Through this unique program, you have access to exclusive resources, tips, and techniques that can help you become a proficient speaker of the Arabic language in no time. To get started, you can book a complimentary Zoom consultation to assess your current language proficiency and create a personalized learning plan.


During the consultation, your instructor will provide you with comprehensive guidance on the best practices for mastering the language, as well as helpful tips on how to use the program to effectively. Additionally, you can connect with other students worldwide and receive feedback to refine your language skills. Once you’ve booked your initial consultation, you can start making progress towards your language goals.


With the right...

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Is Modern Standard Arabic Used In Everyday conversation?

Apr 24, 2023

Is Modern Standard Arabic Used In Everyday conversation?

Modern Standard Arabic, while used mainly in formal situations, is not used in everyday conversation. The various regional spoken dialects found in the Middle East and North Africa are typically the language used most often during everyday conversations. For instance, in countries like Egypt, Lebanon, and Gulf, the dialect of Arabic spoken is known as ‘Egyptian Arabic’, ‘Levantine Arabic’ and ‘Gulf Arabic’, respectively. These dialects are often seen and heard in popular media outlets such as television, radio, and social media.


MSA is used in many official documents, newspapers, magazines and books. It is also used in many of the religious ceremonies found throughout the Arabic-speaking world. Furthermore, it is used in formal business presentations and conversations, often between internationally-minded businesspeople and their Arabic-speaking counterparts.


In conclusion,...

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What Is Modern Standard Arabic?

Apr 24, 2023

What Is Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)

Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), the standardized form of the Arabic language, is not commonly used in daily conversation. This is due to its formality, as it is mainly used in reading and understanding newspapers and media, giving formal business and Islamic talks, reading and writing legal documents, and reading and understanding the Quran.


Modern Standard Arabic was developed in the early 19th century by a group of Arab linguists who aimed to standardize the language of the Quran. This enabled the language to be spread to all Arab-speaking nations. However, while MSA is accepted as a written and official language, it is not the language used in everyday speech. This is because everyday language contains a variety of dialects and is largely spoken rather than written.


MSA is mainly used in reading and understanding newspapers and media, such as Al-Jazeera, BBC Arabic, and Business Arabic, as well as other Arabic-language media. It...

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Why do 99% of Arabic learners find Arabic hard to Learn?

Apr 23, 2023

Why do 99% of Arabic learners find Arabic hard to Learn?

The difficulty of learning Arabic is often a topic of conversation among language learners, particularly those who are tackling the language for the first time. Unfortunately, it seems that 99% of Arabic learners find the language particularly challenging. The underlying reason for this is often rooted in the way Arabic is taught and the misconceptions that come with it.


One of the primary reasons for the difficulty of learning Arabic is the fact that most language teaching methods focus heavily on teaching Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), the formal language used mainly for reading and writing. While it’s true that MSA provides a great foundation for reading, writing, and understanding the Quran, it’s not the language used in everyday conversation.


Since Arabic teachers tend to focus almost exclusively on teaching MSA, they often end up imparting too much grammatical knowledge to their students, the...

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Al Madina Arabic Course Vs. Nassra Arabic Online Method

Apr 15, 2023

Al Madina Arabic Vs. Nassra Arabic Online Method

What is Al Madina Arabic?

Al Madina Arabic, is an online institute offering programs to learn the Arabic language. The institute provides three levels of Arabic language instruction. These include Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Classical-Quranic Arabic and Tajweed. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) used for reading formal books, Islamic studies and watch the Arabic news. Madinah Arabic offers a course covering basic MSA grammar, pronunciation and key cultural concepts, as well as a language exchange program.


Classical-Quranic Arabic is the language of the Quran, and Madinah Arabic provides an introductory course on the subject. The course includes lessons in the major concepts of reading, reciting and memorising of the Quran in order to read it accurately and fluently. Tajweed is the study of the rules of recitation of the Quran, and Madinah Arabic offers online courses such as the Basic Tajweed Course and Advanced Tajweed Course.

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Learn Arabic Dialects | All You Need is To Master One Arabic Dialect Only!

Apr 13, 2023

Learning one Arabic dialect is a great way to be able to understand the various dialects that are common in the Arab world today. Levantine, Gulf, and Egyptian Arabic are the three main standards of Arabic dialects, but they only differ by approximately 5% in their vocabulary and phrases. This means that mastering one dialect can provide a great base for understanding the others. 


To truly be able to understand all dialects in the Arab world, it is important to be aware of these local differences, and to pay special attention to them when communicating with someone who speaks a different dialect. Overall, learning and mastering one Arabic dialect is essential for being able to understand the other dialects that are spoken in the region. Understanding the local dialects will also help to make communication smoother and easier, even if the dialects are slightly different.


Having a basic knowledge of the different dialects and their nuances will also provide a...

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Rosetta Stone is Essential For Those Who Wish to learn Modern Standard Arabic Only

Apr 12, 2023

Rosetta Stone: Essential for Learning Modern Standard Arabic For anyone looking to learn Formal Arabic language 

Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the official language of the Arab world and is the language used in the media and in formal and written communication. 

Rosetta Stone is a revolutionary language learning program that utilizes a sophisticated speech recognition technology to ensure accurate pronunciation of MSA. By using Rosetta Stone, learners can understand proper Arabic pronunciation in MSA. Additionally, it is designed to develop conversational skills by introducing the student to formal dialogues and conversations about various topics. It also enables the learner to access helpful tips, notes and translations for a comprehensive learning experience. For those looking to learn the formal language of the Arab world MSA, Rosetta Stone is an essential tool. It provides learners with a comprehensive understanding of Modern Standard Arabic. 

Modern Standard...

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Rosetta Stone Arabic Vs Nassra Arabic Method Online Arabic Course

Apr 12, 2023

Rosetta Stone is essential for those who wish to learn Modern Standard Arabic. Nassra Method is focused on learning Arabic dialects online.


Arabic, Rosetta Stone, Modern Standard Arabic Understanding the Arabic used in Rosetta Stone is essential for those who wish to learn the language. The company's language software teaches Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which is the standard form of written Arabic used today. It is very similar to the classical Arabic found in the Koran (Qur'an). Modern Standard Arabic provides the best base for learning the language.


It is used in many official documents and for watching the Arabic news. It is often considered the most formal version of Arabic, and it is the version used in the vast majority of Arabic fiction and non-fiction books, magazines, and newspapers.


In order to learn to read and write MSA, learners should first become familiar with the language's alphabet. The script used is called the Arabo-Latin script, and it...

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Arabic Dialects vs. Modern Standard Arabic | Which one is better to Learn First?

Apr 11, 2023

Modern Standard Arabic vs. Arabic Dialects: Which is the Better Choice for Achieving Fluency?


The debate over whether it is better to learn Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or Arabic dialects is ongoing for many language enthusiasts. While MSA does have some advantages, learning the dialect that is spoken in a specific region is the best way to become truly fluent in the language. MSA is primarily used for reading, writing, and formal conversations. It is the wooden, yet official version of the language that is used in newspapers, books, and formal conversations. While MSA can be useful to know, it should not be the only focus when learning Arabic. On the other hand, Arabic dialects are the language that is used in everyday interactions by all native Arabic speakers.


This includes conversations with family, friends, and in business. As such, it is essential for learners to understand the nuances of the language spoken in the local area. In addition, dialects tend to be...

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Learn the Syrian Arabic dialect (Levantine Arabic) with Nassra Arabic online Method

Apr 10, 2023

Learn the Syrian Arabic dialect (Levantine Arabic) with Nassra Arabic online Method

Learning a foreign language can be daunting for many people, but it can be especially intimidating to learn the Syrian Arabic dialect (Levantine Arabic). Fortunately, there is an efficient way to learn this language with Nassra Arabic Online Method. Nassra Arabic is a popular and user-friendly method of learning Syrian Arabic.


This method emphasizes the need to understanding the cultural context along with the language itself, which is an important part of language learning.


The method allows for the learning of basic vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar in a very convenient and effective way.


It can help students to develop a deep understanding of the language and its cultural significance. The method consists of several multimedia materials, including audio and video recordings, as well as interactive exercises.


These exercises are designed to help the student...

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